Willow Week - 29th Sep to 3rd Oct 2025 - last place left!


5 Days

10 - 4pm

Venue: Mollie’s Studio, Hurst Farm, Hurst Lane, Privetts, Hamsphire, GU34 3PL

This week is your opportunity to really add to your basket making skills. There will be a maximum of 4 students on this course to enable extra focus and tailored learning within the group.

The course will revolve around a square basket/ picnic hamper and a fitched laundry basket/moses basket. We can also work on a basket of your choice which we will discuss and plan in advance.

Some of the skills covered will include scalloming, corner posts, square borders, handles, hinges, fixings, fitching and plaited borders, starting and finishing a border on an end post.

You will make 2 baskets during the week, focusing on key techniques to develop your skills and embed that knowledge.

If you have any specific projects you would like to work on, please ensure you contact me in advance of the course, so that I can plan with you accordingly.

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5 Days

10 - 4pm

Venue: Mollie’s Studio, Hurst Farm, Hurst Lane, Privetts, Hamsphire, GU34 3PL

This week is your opportunity to really add to your basket making skills. There will be a maximum of 4 students on this course to enable extra focus and tailored learning within the group.

The course will revolve around a square basket/ picnic hamper and a fitched laundry basket/moses basket. We can also work on a basket of your choice which we will discuss and plan in advance.

Some of the skills covered will include scalloming, corner posts, square borders, handles, hinges, fixings, fitching and plaited borders, starting and finishing a border on an end post.

You will make 2 baskets during the week, focusing on key techniques to develop your skills and embed that knowledge.

If you have any specific projects you would like to work on, please ensure you contact me in advance of the course, so that I can plan with you accordingly.

5 Days

10 - 4pm

Venue: Mollie’s Studio, Hurst Farm, Hurst Lane, Privetts, Hamsphire, GU34 3PL

This week is your opportunity to really add to your basket making skills. There will be a maximum of 4 students on this course to enable extra focus and tailored learning within the group.

The course will revolve around a square basket/ picnic hamper and a fitched laundry basket/moses basket. We can also work on a basket of your choice which we will discuss and plan in advance.

Some of the skills covered will include scalloming, corner posts, square borders, handles, hinges, fixings, fitching and plaited borders, starting and finishing a border on an end post.

You will make 2 baskets during the week, focusing on key techniques to develop your skills and embed that knowledge.

If you have any specific projects you would like to work on, please ensure you contact me in advance of the course, so that I can plan with you accordingly.